Revisioning molecularisation: reorienting molecular approaches towards holobiotic ways of knowing microbes and beyond - Conference Talk on panel ‘Knowledge politics in/through/with microbes’, 4S–EASST Conference (Amsterdam, NL) - [Link to abstract]
Practicing Polyphony: heritages and relations in microbial food practices - Invited Workshop Talk, Heritage & Global Challenges Symposium (York, UK)
Rethinking in systems: developing boundary objects for the social studies of microbes - Invited Workshop Talk, Nordic Network for the Social Study of Microbes workshop (Gothenburg, SE)
CSSM x fff | food feminism fermentation presents Fermentation Symposium (Helsinki, FI)
The Making of a Story - Building Narratives and Communicating Science Effectively, Satellite Meeting organiser at 2023 IS-MPMI Congress (Providence, US). [Link to event] - Host for Microgreens Live Podcast [Link to recording]
Soil Ontology - a Microbial Ecologist’s perspective, Presentation for the Soil Repair: Recuperating Human-Soil Relationships Panel at the Nordic STS Conference (Oslo, NO) [Link to abstract]
Microbial Ecologies in our Food System - Poster Presentation, Microbial Metagenomics: a 360º approach, EMBO Practical Course, EMBL (Heidelberg, DE) [Course overview]
Stories from the Future – Co-creating narratives for the Future Food System through Science and Gastronomy - Guest Lecture, Master's in Gastronomic Sciences, Basque Culinary Center (Donostia-San Sebastian, ES). [Course overview]
Back to the Roots: Understanding the impact of field management strategies on soil microbial communities and plant health in coffee cultivation - Poster Presentation, Copenhagen Bioscience Conference on Plant-microbe Interactions (Copenhagen, DK).
Kojī-based fermented food as a model system for eco-holobiotic and inter-kingdom interactions - Poster Presentation, Applied Hologenomics Conference, HoloFood Innovation Action conference (Bilbao, ES).
Assessing the Impact of Microbial Food Production on Planetary Health - Selected Short Talk, Copenhagen Bioscience Conference on Microbial Foods (Copenhagen, DK).
Other Communications
Seeding Futures - Fellowship Project, School of Survival x Bauhaus of the Seas Sails [Link to event page]
Green Lions go farming! - Workshop and Discussion at Namayasai Farm, invitation by ESEA Green Lions (East Sussex, UK) [Link to event page]
Integrating food systems through microbes [Recording] - Session Host for ‘Living in a Microbial World”, Microbes and Social Equity Symposium 2023 (online) [Events page]
Culture Jammers Panel Discussion - UCL collaboration: Mouldy Fermentation Extravaganza, Ladies Who Ferment Symbiosis Tour 2023 [Link to event]
Taste of Tomorrow: How start-ups are changing the way we eat - Panel Discussion, Culinary Action On the Road Final (Donostia-San Sebastian, ES)
‘Understanding the future of alternative proteins’ - E-Learning course, Mycelium Gastronomy (online).
More than a Meal: The culture behind food production and consumption - Invited Panel Speaker for Bio-Lit Talks: Perspectives on the Gut Series, University of Glasgow (Glasgow, UK). [video]
Fermenting our Food System – rethinking the role microorganisms play in our future food system - Invited Talk, Basque Culinary Center (Donostia-San Sebastian, ES).